CompletableFuture-Fu(cffu) 1.1.0 API

This is the API documentation for the 🦝 Java CompletableFuture Fu(aka. CF-Fu, pronounced "Shifu"), a tiny sidekick library to make CompletableFuture more convenient, more efficient and safer in your application. 😋🚀🦺

A tiny sidekick library to make CompletableFuture usage more convenient, more efficient and safer in your application.
Exception handle from MULTIPLE CompletionStages (including CompletableFutures and Cffus).
Guava ListenableFuture Integration with CF.
Cffu SPI interfaces.
Cffu executor wrapper provider(ExecutorWrapperProvider) SPI implementation for 📌 TransmittableThreadLocal (TTL).
the Tuple utility classes for Cffu use.